Hello everyone my name is Heather Olson, I was born and raised in Idaho and have love every minute of it. My growing love for people started at a very young age and has not stopped. I decided to major in sociology and minor in psychology when I made the decision to become a counselor and try to understand the human race. Through personal experience I have seen the both positive and negative effects of getting help from a counselor and hope that from what I have learned I can be help to anyone I encounter. Through collective behavior my interest in the power of groups has grown tremendously, I have seen how the power of a group of individuals can really help and in some ways hurt a cause. Which brings me to a quote I found to be very humbling, “Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean” Ryunosuke Satoro.
- Gang Wars 2 - Oakland Latino Gangs - Documentary Part 2. (2011, June 18). [Video]. Retrieved from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OgZezt8FKfA
- Teal Scott, The Spiritual Catalyst Interview Segments About Childhood Abuse. (2011, March 11). [Video]. Retrieved from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7YseLiA41aQ
- Cult Awareness and Information Centre. (2011). Cult awareness and Infomation Library. Retrieved from http://www.culthelp.info/index.php?option=com_frontpage&Itemid=1
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- Gangs or us. (2011). Welcome to Gangs or us. Retrieved from http://www.gangsorus.com/
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- The Black Eyed Peas (2003). "Where is the love." Retrieved from http://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/blackeyedpeas/whereisthelove.html